Everyone has their own opinions about what's readable. That's why we prepared a guideline so that we can all be on the same page 👍
Below are some examples of UNREADABLE RECEIPTS:
1. The receipt is damaged, i.e. part of the receipt is teared or wet
2. The receipt text is unclear, i.e. printing issues
3. The receipt is placed on backgrounds that could interfere with text extraction, like newspapers, magazine or other receipts
4. The camera is off focus making the picture visibly blurry
5. The camera is too far away from the receipt
6. The picture has more than 1 receipts in the frame
7. The receipt picture was taken on an angle and placed on uneven surface
8. The receipts placed on a high contrast, woven texture background
The problem with this kind of background is that the shadow will interfere with text extraction due to the high contrast.
What we see: